Movie Review – Oddity
Downright terrifying from beginning to its sardonic end.
Downright terrifying from beginning to its sardonic end.
Now that the film is available for streaming and on 4K, people should check out what they missed out on.
A love letter to 1960’s nostalgia and an ode to a type of films we don’t see anymore.
The writer/director manages to infuse a lot of deeper themes delivering a poignancy to the whole affair that goes way beyond the average Marvel movie.
An elaborate nail-biter of a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat right up until the credits roll.
Ray Schillaci reviews THE KILLER for TheMovieGuys.net: “provocative and enticing with its imagery as with most of Fincher’s films”
So many twists and turns, it’s as if we are actually riding the high seas in a virtual storm.
For horror hounds, this film rocks. This EVIL DEAD is no holds barred.
HALLOWEEN ENDS is so true to its title. The viewer just keeps asking, when the hell will this end?
Ryan Gosling as Six proves to be every bit of an action star as Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson.
The film is like junk food for the horror crowd and could generate a new audience for those uninitiated to the franchise.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 2/11/22 – Lamb
I can’t help but wonder if Black Widow would have been better suited to the smaller screen on Disney+
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 8/27/21 – Rare Beasts
Not worth plunking down big bucks at a theater, but worth checking out in your living room on Amazon.
What makes the FEAR STREET trilogy so entertaining is the mystery, the magic the director and writers have weaved, and a very engaging cast.
Ray Schillaci reviews ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE for TheMovieGuys.net: “There is plenty of fat that could still be trimmed off this graphic novel of a movie.”
Old and bad jokes, predictable plot line and tired comedians that lead to boredom.
Thriller tropes and a story that feels as if it runs out of steam half way through guide this rental rather than character development.
An ’80s era flashy trashy comedy thriller that has quite a few surprises.
A wonderful mix of big laughs and reflective moments that at times may move you to tears.
This Marie Curie film could easily be considered a close runner up to the 1943 Greer Garson film.
There is not one false note between Grace Vanderwaal and co-star Graham Verchere.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 6/25/20 – Flower & Buffaloed
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 4/16/20 – Big Time Adolescence
Directed by Jeff Tremaine, it plays out like an extended musical episode of JACKASS.
Yikes. Where to begin on the awfulness of the new Netflix film THE LAST LAUGH?
Any time the movie reveals something amazing that Quincy Jones that you either never knew for forgot about – DRINK.
This is not a horror film, but it is about a real evil – greed.
A well-made piece of entertainment that one-ups pricier, higher profile movies out there.
Paco Plaza has a gifted visual sense that can take something we might have seen time and time again, and make it completely fresh.
Did anybody actually read the script before shooting?
A smart and surprising relationship drama with an accomplished cast.
Plays like the second installment of a mediocre trilogy.
I have seen a number of Christmas thrillers, but BETTER WATCH OUT delivers such a noxious, bitter bite, I can’t help wonder why it was ever made.
I was a big watcher of THE DANA CARVEY SHOW back in 1996. Well, as big as one could be watching a show that only lasted seven episodes.
The stories and news clips just aren’t enough to recommend this effort examining an era that’s been over-explored in countless docs.
From the writing to the directing it is not just a misstep, it’s a giant leap backwards that makes movies like LEPRECHAUN look good.
Chucky is back in action with his unique set of skills: torment, torture and murder, all with a wink and a devilish smile.
There’s charm and accessibility, but is it any good?