With features, films in multiple languages, and several international entries, this film festival is so much more grandiose than its simple name would imply.
With features, films in multiple languages, and several international entries, this film festival is so much more grandiose than its simple name would imply.
I’m clicking the weird, the wonderful and the what the hell were they thinking when they coughed up a budget for this piece of raw moose dung.
My initial thought is, we come up with a basic questionnaire, designed by people who enjoy and understand the art of cinema, and anyone who fails it gets put on the list.
I suspect it ranked well below what it should have because people knew too much about it before they saw it
In my humble opinion, there are certain people who don’t “get” movies, and thus should not be allowed to view movies at all.
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2010.
It is time. In a column about the “movie-going experience” we have to address food.
I’ve seen this film and, while it’s certainly not bad (it makes a decent enough rental), it’s also not the monumental satire everyone claims it to be.
I wish the actors would either stop mumbling, speak up, or the sound mixer would equalize the volume.
From the dawn of silent films, humans have had to navigate the treacherous social waters of yet another group entertainment decision
I watch many, many dark, disturbing films, but most don’t even come close to this masterpiece of fear.
To everyone everywhere who ever goes to a movie theatre I politely remind you to SHUT UP!
I need to see the movie straight on. And that’s not just at the theatre. I will go for any seat in any living room that gives me the most centered view of a movie.
A noir-type thriller that may require a certain mind-set from it’s audience for true appreciation.
This column is dedicated to movies. And while there are many aspects to cinema, I want to talk about us – the moviegoers.
“Ghostbusters” deserved (and deserves) either an incredible sequel – or a non-existent one.
Tom Six’s film is about a trio of people who are sewn together mouth to ass to create a “centipede” type creature. And then when one defecates, well…..you know.
We all have dreams, but if we don’t achieve them, does that mean we can’t still be happy?
Maybe it will help convince young girls not to talk to big, creepy strangers in their front yards.
The themes of post-war recovery and renewal, coupled with the hidden grief and sacrifice faced by returning veterans made for a story that still speaks to us.
Can we please freeze him circa 1982 during his “The Empire Strikes Back” and/or “Raiders of the Lost Ark” days?
This “re-write” is not mine at all – it actually sprang from the minds of the men who created “Raiders” in the first place.
“Caddyshack”‘s stature has grown to the point where it now stands alone as the undisputed master of the raunch-comedy – the standard bearer by which all others are judged.
An indie that reminds us of why we love indies
Both nerd central and ground zero for the coolest stuff pop culture churns out every year.
There is such a thing as going too far afield in your plot construction.
Or, “Ranting On A (Not Quite) Classic” or “Re-examining a Failure”. You choose.
Classics? Perhaps not. But considerably better than their rep, and worth at least a look-see by the discriminating cinephile.