DVD, Blu-Ray & Streaming – Hell or High Water
Not just a classic Robin Hood-type fable, but an ode to the fading American way of life.
Not just a classic Robin Hood-type fable, but an ode to the fading American way of life.
A visceral and violent story within a story. The tonic is mixture of Hitchcock, Lynch and Kubrick.
Don’t let names like Djugui and Oulaya fool you into thinking this is going to be one of those inaccessible foreign films.
A documentary with off-centered humor and a dash of warmth.
An incredibly personal story involving love, faith, and conscience.
Fallon has rested the weight of the world on his star, Michael Paré, as Thomas, a homeless man who seeks shelter in a mysterious abandoned home only to find that it may be his final resting place.
A first class Marvel production that may be the pedigree of the bunch.
Can we just forget the first attempt at a Ouija movie and start the franchise here?
Denis Villeneuve has crafted and elegant science fiction movie that harnesses every aspect of filmmaking to tell a surprising, smart and truly awe-inspiring story.
About halfway through the movie, I came to the following realization: “This movie is a real downer.”
It has enough macabre moments to whet the genre fan’s ravenous appetite
A nail-biting, tense disaster film worth seeing.
From the tremendously played cast, to the quippy, well-penned script, Fuqua’s vision really fires on all cylinders.
As undoubtedly great as Tom Hanks is, there are still only so many ways he can contemplatively look at himself in the mirror before the audience gets bored.
Where The Blair Witch Project looked like a compilation of found footage you’re just stumbling across, Blair Witch feels like a compilation of found footage put together to make a horror movie.
Drummond and company are out to break many taboos.
By the end, the film goes there.
It may have taken nine months, but Universal brings us the first romantic comedy of 2016.
Creating content for people to watch on the web is an uphill climb. With literally millions of choices, how on earth does one go about standing out?
Bank robberies, cops on the trail, open carry – all sounds like the formula for an action film, but Hell or High Water gets more mileage out of dialogue, strong character and anticipation of violence.
Good timely social commentary but it easily gets steamrolled by the persistent raunch fest
Director Lowery employs a lot to buoy the sentiment, going for an unapologetically romantic take on boyhood fantasy.
Does Suicide Squad have its share of entertaining moments? Most definitely.
About two-thirds of the way through the film, I was reminded just how exciting action can be without special effects.
Alan Moore’s gotta be pissed.
Ironically, for a movie that stars all women, this movie had the balls to be the movie it wanted to be.
How is The BFG, the first team up between Disney and director Steven Spielberg not a bigger deal?
You’ll laugh a ton at this movie
Pixar has done it again. When they are at they best, they find a combination of laughs, action and heart that few other animated (or live action) films can match.
The Conjuring 2 succeeds mostly because of Wan’s ability as director to trust the audience will be with the film during the film’s quiet and unhurried moments.
I gotta admit that halfway through “Warcraft”, I was pretty damn puzzled as to what the hell was going on.
Ah, screw it. I enjoyed this movie.
Despite the pedigree on display in the new of-the-moment drama, Money Monster, the whole doesn’t equal the sum of its parts.
No movie franchise could possibly be this good, this consistent, this adept at getting everything right, time and time again. And yet…
Hardcore Henry has come and pretty much gone from theaters and you neglected to take in this truly unique moviegoing experience. You look sad. You think I’m attacking you.
Liza Johnson’s new film “Elvis & Nixon” explores this powerhouse meeting, within its every right to speculate as much as it cares to.
A multi-million dollar risk that pretty much hits all the right notes.
From the very first frame of “Green Room”, the audience can tell this is not going to be just your ordinary thriller.
I Saw the Light gets stuck in the musical biopic rut early and often.
Snyder’s latest comic book folly is like an Electrolux Vacuum, it practically sucks all the joy of watching a super hero movie.