“The Artist” is a movie that is in love with movies. Turns out I’m in love with movies, too. So this film and I are a perfect fit.
“The Artist” is a movie that is in love with movies. Turns out I’m in love with movies, too. So this film and I are a perfect fit.
I don’t think Aardman has the means or desire to American-ize one of their projects, and we’re all better off for that.
Is it possible that this is the funniest movie of the year? See it while it’s still in theaters.
Unpleasant in all aspects. Far too violent for children and incomprehensible to adults. Never watch it, never consider it.
If you are looking for well crafted, well acted, deliberately paced, and impressively funny/emotional film, go check out ‘The Descendants’ when it comes to your town.
A BIG-ASS pile of fashionably dressed, 1960’s corpses.
One of the most entertaining pictures I’ve ever seen, extremely funny and quite emotionally affecting.
BLUE VELVET seems almost benign in our over stimulated, shock value society, but let me tell you it still holds its own where depravity is concerned.
Nicolas Winding Refn’s “Drive” feels like a throwback to the 1980s. But don’t expect Romy and Michelle to pop up, rather a mood and tone is created here that longs for “Manhunter”’s Will Graham to make an appearance, as Refn piles on gobs of visual style that would make Michael Mann proud.
It forced me to look at my own life, my career, and ask where my future is taking me.
Capsule reviews by The Movie Guys include “The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia” and “Paul”. Quick plot, quick opinion and we’re out.
Indies are a dime a dozen. Good indies are hard to find. The Waterhole is a good indie.
It is friggin’ awesome.
Spoiler Alert: “Captain America” is awesome and “Cowboys & Aliens” isn’t.
Not sure how a cool actress like Mila Kunis and a talented performer like Justin Timberlake were coaxed, cajoled and coerced into making “Friends With Benefits”
Abrams has obviously given himself the specific assignment of making a send-up of a sort of film, much as Spielberg & Lucas did when they made “Raiders”
Branagh does a good job of balancing the work of his actors with all the glitz, glitter and action sequences that abound in Asgard.
You may have wondered what the ladies were doing and talking about while the men were horsing around in films like “Wedding Crashers” and “The Hangover”.
“Born to Be Wild 3D”, narrated by Morgan Freeman, manages to toe the fine line between high-tech and old school.
After watching “Fast Five”, I realized it would become a quick classic you’ll turn on while cleaning the living room or doing taxes
Overall, my masculine side says this film is a blockbuster that you’ll quickly forget you saw. My feminine side says Robert Pattison is hot.
It was like watching an undergrad film of a boring play starring freshmen actors.
Jake Gyllenhaal redeems his career after the embarrassingly awful “Prince of Persia” and turns in a fine, heartwarming performance
I’m clicking the weird, the wonderful and the what the hell were they thinking when they coughed up a budget for this piece of raw moose dung.
A film like this demands a charismatic and vulnerable lead actor, and Bradley Cooper is quickly establishing himself as the right guy for those jobs.
Matt Damon and Emily Blunt are maybe the first action film couple I’ve seen in years that had great chemistry.
Watching the filmmaking team’s decision-making process about what kind of look the beast would have would probably be much more fascinating than watching the movie.
I suspect it ranked well below what it should have because people knew too much about it before they saw it
I’ve been drinking heavily and my perception of time is just a little bit off, but don’t give me that look, because I got the points of the movie and this is still an important review, so shut up.
I knew the 80’s. The 80’s were a friend of mine. “Take Me Home Tonight”, you’re not the 80’s.
This highly entertaining animated film is exactly what Shakespeare geeks who also happen to love animation have been waiting for.
The terrifying adults in this film often acted as if they hid the town secret of the local werewolf, but no such wolf ever shows.
The banter between characters is great and the situations they’re put into are pure, envelope-pushing comedy gold as only the Farrellys can deliver.
I watch many, many dark, disturbing films, but most don’t even come close to this masterpiece of fear.
“The Way Back” is my new all-time favorite movie about prisoners escaping a Russian Gulag camp during World War II
The horror is mostly derived from sudden, shocking moments and not from the true nature of evil.
Bening is riveting here, as she has the ability to work the camera and turn you inside out, proving once again why she is one of the best ever.
It succeeds because it manages to tell the big story through the smaller stories of these men and their families
Some of it makes sense and some of it not so much. But is any of that the point? No, not really.
Disney is successful at making animated films because their stories and storytelling have something for every generation in the room.