This week, the NEW WORLD ORDER press tour is in high gear, The Super Bowl brought us a CAPT. AMERICA TV spot, Jeep commercial, THUNDERBOLTS trailer & much more!
This week, the NEW WORLD ORDER press tour is in high gear, The Super Bowl brought us a CAPT. AMERICA TV spot, Jeep commercial, THUNDERBOLTS trailer & much more!
John Williams gets a once-over as Paul & Adam review MUSIC BY JOHN WILLIAMS. Plus, new trailers for CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD, and season two of 1923.
Harrison Ford stretches his range in PRESUMED INNOCENT, prompting guest Brendan Meyer to ask the question, “does he always have to be the hero?”
Harrison Ford was at The Golden Globes with Anthony Mackie, reminding us that we’re that much closer to CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD!
Morphing technology in INDIANA JONES AND THE CRUSADE isn’t the first time it appeared in a movie. For example, it was in WILLOW. Mara Knopic, your thoughts?
This week, Ford is all over the place ONCE AGAIN! – A new 1923 trailer, the final NEW WORLD ORDER trailer, awards shows, and more! We’re all about it!
Hitler was a moron. Mara Knopic explains.
Harrison Ford knows how to ride a horse! As made plain by Movie Guys guest Mara Knopic.
You want Harrison Ford charm? You got it!
This week, the Harrison Ford-as-grump comedic staple takes further hold in SIX DAYS SEVEN NIGHTS. Friend of The Movie Guys Drew Grant joins the show!
Adam’s got his videos and Paul’s traveling, but they’re not as busy as Harrison Ford with the SHRINKING press tour, the countdown to NEW WORLD ORDER, and more!
This week, no, there wasn’t a sequel to SABRINA, but this is the second show to focus on the 1995 Harrison Ford/Julia Ormond romantic comedy & more!
Love that helicopter shot that opens the film? Well…
William Bibbiani explains.
Could WORKING GIRL work as a musical? Tell us, Adam.
Adam Witt has a brief thought about one of the many, MANY reasons why the Harrison Ford movie WORKING GIRL works so well.
“WORKING GIRL…sadly, so much of it is still relevant” – William Bibbiani breaks down how movies sometimes predict the future, but fall behind anyway…
Guest William Bibbiani reminds us (and the world) that there was a T.V. show based on the film WORKING GIRL.
There hasn’t been a week this full of news about a guy who’s in his 80s since Biden left the Presidential race. And this show is all over it.
Harrison Ford’s been doing so much!: Adam & Paul report on Comic-Con, his 82nd b-day, BRAVE NEW WORLD, and still find time to talk DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE. #LFG
More nonsense with Harrison Ford!:
– Adam’s obsession sync-ing movies w/Pink Floyd
– The Hollywood Museum & Disney Concert Hall
– ALMOST Starring Harrison Ford
Paul & Adam continue neglecting their overall responsibility of completing finished episodes of The Ford Fiesta to cover Paul’s trip to San Fran & Indy Mad Libs!
Updates on heading to the theater to see THE PHANTOM MENACE & TEMPLE OF DOOM. Also, a first-look at CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD and more!
The Ford Fiesta is about STAR WARS’ Harrison Ford. Not at all about the 1920s silent film star Harrison Ford. But it’s April Fool’s Day, so anything goes.
Your hosts Paul & Adam jump right into an Oscar night recap, talking about the winners, the surprises, and, of course, how this all ties in to Harrison Ford!
Paul & Adam feel so accomplished making big strides with THE DEVIL’S OWN, AIR FORCE ONE & SABRINA that they’ve designated this episode specifically to nonsense!
This week, special guest Sabrina Ramirez joins in to chat up…SABRINA. Plus, friend of the show Ryan Paregien hops on the stream to talk about his new musical.
This week, special guest Ben Goddard joins Paul & Adam to talk about Ford’s 1997 blockbuster, AIR FORCE ONE.
This week, with the passing of the great Carl Weathers, Paul & Adam remember the time his path crossed with…Harrison Ford.
This week, a return to 1997’s THE DEVIL’S OWN to discuss the plot as only The Movie Guys can, as well as Ford news and history!
A new Indy video game trailer is here and we’re all over it…in our own way, showing how far we’ve come in Indy video games. Plus, Harrison Ford Show & Tell!
This week, we jump to the first of Harrison Ford’s 1997 films: THE DEVIL’S OWN w/Brad Pitt. Plus, Ford’s career achievement award at the Critic’s Choice Awards.
The Movie Guys return for 2024 with an all Harrison Ford, all the time show covering Ford’s night at the Golden Globes, unboxing new Indy figures & more!
This week, The Movie Guys give thanks for Harrison Ford with a NAME THAT TUNE game based on composer James Horner, James Mangold & DIAL OF DESTINY news & more!
This week, more talk about CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, specifically a comedic plot recap of the 1994 CIA thriller and with all the time remaining, NONSENSE!
This week, a reverse course back to REGARDING HENRY to recap the plot of that 1991 drama, plus bonus talk about Suzanne Somers, Alden Ehrenreich & more!
Donald Moffat, Ben Ford, STAR WARS, General Veers, snakes, action figures and Adam’s trip to Chicago all play in to the nonsense covered in today’s Ford Fiesta!
We’re back with the next movie on Harrison Ford’s IMDB – CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER. Plus, magician Michael Gray steps up to theme a magic trick to the movie!
This all-nonsense edition of The Ford Fiesta LIVE! features Jonathan Buchanan, writer of the new horror film 8 FOUND DEAD & Paul’s Telluride Film Fest wrap-up!
More time-killing this week with Harrison Ford on strike, so Paul imagines a Movie Guys’ L.A. Film Locations Tour for ALL-Harrison Ford locations!
This week on The Ford Fiesta, more attempting to not talk about new projects from the AMPTP, which also means a dip into more NONSENSE!