20th Century Women – Sound and Vision
“20th Century Women” is one of these perfect films where music presents us with a time period but not in a knock you over the head, drag you down nostalgia road kind of way.
“20th Century Women” is one of these perfect films where music presents us with a time period but not in a knock you over the head, drag you down nostalgia road kind of way.
Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustively-researched, category-by-category breakdown of the entire Oscars for 2017
“Awards contender, huh? WELL, this better be good!”. That’s unfortunate pressure.
Ray Schillaci is the first Movie Guy to chime in on the Academy Award nominations. He…didn’t like “La La Land”…
All the nominees in the awards race for the movies of 2016, all in one place.
The Movie Guys’ 7th Annual Holiday Special! Much like Itchy, Malia & Lumpy waited for Chewbacca, The Movie Guys anxiously await the arrival of Rogue One with Mike J. Nichols & Luke Skywalker!