The Best 25 films of 1999
On their 25th anniversary, Paul Douglas Moomjean looks back at a big year for movies and which films stood out to him as the best.
On their 25th anniversary, Paul Douglas Moomjean looks back at a big year for movies and which films stood out to him as the best.
Paul Preston’s annual breakdown of EVERY category in the Oscar race is back!
Movie Guy Paul Preston lists his Top Ten Films of 2023, and goes into great detail about #1…
Part off-beat comedy, horror, murder mystery and thriller.
You’ll be charged-up with the desire to talk about art, go see some art, or even more so, MAKE some art.
Richard Gere appears in good movie after good movie and it’s time you noticed.
To achieve perfection in the arts is nearly impossible because it’s a widely subjective form of expression. And yet, there are a few filmmakers who you could say come close to a perfect record in their field.
One of Alexander Payne’s great strengths as a filmmaker is in showing how great drama is always meshed with surrounding comedy.
In an alternate reality, Jack Nicholson never replaced Bruce Dern as stoned convict/lawyer George Hanson in “Easy Rider” and Dern went on to have the superstar career.
Showcast Episode 26: After 14 years, the sequel “The Best Man Holiday” is here, so The Movie Guys look at other 1999 films that could use a sequel. Plus, a preview of “Nebraska” and a full-on interview with Superego’s Matt Gourley, complete with Bond talk, a “Scrooged”-themed holiday movie preview, Five Questions for Other Guests, and Karen’s comedy closer – this week’s celebrity birthdays.
Self-congratulation is still the rage in TinselTown. Who are we to not report on it? Agree? Disagree? It doesn’t matter, the awards will go out week after week until the Oscars, March 2nd, 2014.
Prepare for old people sex. Meryl moaning, crotch shots of Tommy Lee Jones. Just don’t say I didn’t prepare you.
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2011.
On the eve of the Oscar nominations, Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Carolyn Campbell and Mike Barajas about three titles bound for Oscar nominations – “The Arist”, “The Descendants” and “The Tree of Life”.
Click on the link above to keep track of the movie awards season 2011/2012. All the nominees and winners as they are announced – NEW: Winners of The 84th Academy Awards and Indie Spirit Awards!
If you are looking for well crafted, well acted, deliberately paced, and impressively funny/emotional film, go check out ‘The Descendants’ when it comes to your town.