Movie Nonsense – Show #34 – 4/25/22 – From & From: MAD MAX
MEMORY, MAD MAX, DOG, THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT and the cheesiest action-sploitation movies Hollywood has ever drummed up. All will be discussed.
MEMORY, MAD MAX, DOG, THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT and the cheesiest action-sploitation movies Hollywood has ever drummed up. All will be discussed.
MOON KNIGHT, the Marvel property never filmed before that now has a Disney+ series, gets a full once-over with Adam and guests Andres Gallego and Chris Hall.
On this episode, contestants answer twenty questions on BATMAN RETURNS. Who will win? Movie Guy Adam Witt or maybe Brennan Marr, Robert Adams or Andres Gallego?
Adam runs the show by himself, underprepared to talk about the Oscars. But he IS prepared to talk superhero movies, breaking down the big game ads & more!
Adam Witt drops by to discuss all the news that broke from FCL28. Who is the FCL? What’s going on? Adam will help inaugurate you into this movie trivia league.
Cinefanatics Chris and Robert Adams are joined by Movie Guy Adam Witt for their segment of the livestream fundraiser, Smash-A-Thon.