Movie Nonsense – Show #48 – 8/8/22 – Special Guest Robert Buscemi!
So much movie news and experiences this week, we’re all over the place! Thank the gods we have Robert Buscemi joining us for the full show to goof on it all.
So much movie news and experiences this week, we’re all over the place! Thank the gods we have Robert Buscemi joining us for the full show to goof on it all.
Courtney Gains has averaged around three projects a year since the early ’80s and remains a very laid back cat to talk to. Here, he chats movies, music and more.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 1/29/21 – Synchronic
Ray Schillaci covers what the entertainment industry has released, and what’s coming up, in these weird COVID times.
Karen Volpe’s celebrity birthday celebration segment from the October 23, 2015 Movie Showcast – Carrie Fisher, Christopher Lloyd & “Weird Al” Yankovic
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 10/3/19 – Yesterday
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 8/15 & 8/22/19 – Avengers: Endgame
On the eve of the once-in-a-lifetime Ghostbusters Fan Fest, Paul & Karen talk to actress Robin Shelby about working on the films, meeting fans and what’s goin’ down at the fest June 7th & 8th!
The ‘80s were the birthplace of great jerks in the movies. These six were the best.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 2/28/19 – Used Cars
Paul Preston’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 8/9/18 – Avengers: Infinity War/Ready Player One
Josh Helman and Jennifer Allcott join Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt to go deep with stories from the indie film set of KATE CAN’T SWIM.
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movie – “Ghostbusters II”.
The Showcast is on the road in Western NY, talking the week’s only new film, “Inferno” and chatting movies w/Matthew Swanson, Paul Schermerhorn & Tom Loughlin.
Showcast Episode 124: With the 30th anniversary, America’s going “Back to the Future” crazy, and The Movie Guys want in, welcoming Harry Waters, Jr. and Don Fullilove to The Admiral’s Club for a rousing interview (Waters, Jr. & Fullilove played Marvin Berry and Goldie Wilson in the classic movie). Plus, previews of new movies “Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse”, “Our Brand is Crisis” and “Burnt”.
Somehow, Zemeckis has taken a story known to many (especially how it ends) and has made it fresh, exhilarating, and full of surprises.
The title says it all.
Sometimes a story will continue on into a fourth installment (and beyond). That’s where it gets interesting.
The title says it all. Part three of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest superhero films per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part two of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest horror movies per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part one of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest comedy films per year for the last forty or so years.
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
There’s no way you can know everything about every movie. Until you do, here’s a great way to come one step closer. Our Movie Guy Matteo has compiled another exhaustive list of fun facts from the movies, organized numerically for your pleasure.
Abrams has obviously given himself the specific assignment of making a send-up of a sort of film, much as Spielberg & Lucas did when they made “Raiders”
Anyone walking in to a theater with “Hot Tub Time Machine” on the marquee should understand that this is going to be a pretty ridiculous film.