The Ford Fiesta LIVE! – Harrison Ford Grab Bag, Pt. 2!
More nonsense with Harrison Ford!:
– Adam’s obsession sync-ing movies w/Pink Floyd
– The Hollywood Museum & Disney Concert Hall
– ALMOST Starring Harrison Ford
More nonsense with Harrison Ford!:
– Adam’s obsession sync-ing movies w/Pink Floyd
– The Hollywood Museum & Disney Concert Hall
– ALMOST Starring Harrison Ford
Movie Guy Paul Preston calls in to the Your Weekly Dose podcast for summer movie reviews including ASTEROID CITY, TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS & THE FLASH.
Paul & Adam host a draft with five managers building their own football teams with nothing but movie characters!
An attempt to talk about Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade leads instead to a talk about the recently-seen Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!
It’s a clearance sale on Movie Nonsense as all the old reviews MUST leave our warehouse! THE KING’S MAN! BELFAST! BEING THE RICARDOS! JULIA! Everything must go!
After disliking MAN OF STEEL, BATMAN v. SUPERMAN & SUICIDE SQUAD, Paul may like a DCEU movie in ZACK SNYDER’S JUSTICE LEAGUE. He talks to the YWD team about it.
At first glance, Scorsese may come off like the cranky little old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.
Paul Preston reports from his annual pilgrimage to San Diego for the annual world’s greatest thing that a person could do.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 11/23/17 – Driftwood
This title doesn’t really frame the Marvel/DC dichotomy correctly because it lists Marvel as following DC, which has never, ever happened.
You’re in for a pleasant surprise, JUSTICE LEAGUE is FUN!
The critical praise being lauded to Marvel’s latest is well deserved.
Paul Preston & Justin Bowler recall their shenanigans at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, July 20-22. Truly, the most wonderful time of the year.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is back, and it’s the most fun we’ve ever had with him.
The Superfriends were in need of a pick-me-up, and they get it with director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot
I will risk sounding like the old man on the porch, but it was too much.
The current leadership of DC is going to be the downfall of the modern superhero boom.
Does Suicide Squad have its share of entertaining moments? Most definitely.
Justin Bowler sums up his time at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con for TheMovieGuys.net
Alan Moore’s gotta be pissed.
Snyder’s latest comic book folly is like an Electrolux Vacuum, it practically sucks all the joy of watching a super hero movie.
Entertainment journalists kept warm in the confines of The Paley Center, patiently waiting for talent to arrive.
“Batman: Bad Blood” carries the torch for the new series (“Son of Batman”, “Batman vs. Robin”) and has it burn brighter than ever before.
Marvel has tapped into everything that made it successful as a comic book champ, and has now translated it to film.
Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area didn’t know what they were getting into when they attempted to transform San Francisco into Gotham City so five-year-old Miles could be the Caped Crusader for a day.
While DC Comics has been playing catch-up to the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC’s animated films have delivered strong stories and quality animation consistently.
The title suggests that the creative minds responsible for this fascinating film don’t mind if you refer to it by either of the titles listed above. There really are two stories happening at the same time, though it does appear to be just one.
The first review in a new column where Brendan Fleming arbitrarily looks at a film on DVD & Blu-Ray: “Life in the world of Sin City is not like life anywhere else. At least I hope not. It seems that all the inhabitants here lost their moral compass some time ago, and have no interest in finding it.”
Showcast Episode 69: Emmy-nominated comic writer and actor Matt Craig joins The Movie Guys for previews of “Gone Girl” and “Annabelle”. Plus, there’s a not-at-all-creepy gift exchange and lively rounds of “What Did you See This Week?”, 5 Questions and Karen’s Birthdays.
“Mordraud” is a fantastic little short. By “Fantastic”, I mean Extraordinary. By “Little”, I mean Epic. By “Short”, I mean under 23 minutes.
Paul Preston & Justin Bowler recall their exploits from Comic-Con in San Diego, a magical land where, for everything you plan, there are ten things that are equally awesome that you are missing out on.
Characters make you laugh and cry and laugh again. And in the middle of it all is a very compelling and touching story about friendship.
I do not have a degree in film or writing, and do not have any authority to speak on film theory. That being said, I will expunge those thoughts and focus on what I am good at… judging people.
Showcast Episode 15: With a mob of Ben Affleck protestors just outside the door of The Admiral’s Club, The Movie Guys preview “Getaway” and “One Direction: This is Us”. They also premiere the new trailer for “The Movie Guys: This is We”, all with the help of special guest, comedian/podcaster Matt Dwyer!
Justin Bowler and Paul Preston bring you The Movie Guys’ annual sights and sounds report from the San Diego Comic-Con, the world’s biggest ball of awesome.
Movie Guy Paul Preston interviews Costume Supercenter about Halloween costumes for TheMovieGuys.net
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. This was Paul’s appearance the day after the shootings in Colorado that marred “The Dark Knight Rises”‘ midnight screenings. Paul discusses the fallout and gives a quick review with Bonnie & Mike.