The Cultural Impact of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Films and How Heath Ledger Tricked You Into Believing “The Dark Knight” Was the Trilogy’s “The Empire Strikes Back”.
The Cultural Impact of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Films and How Heath Ledger Tricked You Into Believing “The Dark Knight” Was the Trilogy’s “The Empire Strikes Back”.
Perhaps in years to come, once we’ve gotten a little more distance on it, the entire Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy will be thought of in the public mind less as an entire piece, and more along the lines of “The one with Heath Ledger in it as Joker, and the other two.”
It’s a horrible tragedy when violence upsets something like a sporting or holiday event. But when violence mars the arts, I find it especially disturbing.
Christopher Nolan doesn’t make bad movies. Ever. Even this one looks great. Two bits of awesomeness stitched together.
The word “Epic” gets thrown around a little too much today. It’s used to describe parties and tweets, but this movie in the true sense, is epic.
SAFE, this month’s Jason Statham action movie, gets a thorough once-over from Movie Guy Paul Preston and special guest Chris Gore. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what it’s all about.
Your Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt went to not San Diego (Anaheim) to spend the day at not Comic-Con (Wonder-Con).
DVD audio commentaries: Sometimes I wonder: Who does take the time out of their busy life to listen to people rambling on and on and on about something they don’t even seem to be interested in, to begin with? Well, me!
I’ve been drinking heavily and my perception of time is just a little bit off, but don’t give me that look, because I got the points of the movie and this is still an important review, so shut up.