Mad Mel’s Wild Bunch!
Our Movie Guy Ray reports on the Mel Gibson remake of THE WILD BUNCH and takes his own stab at the casting.
Our Movie Guy Ray reports on the Mel Gibson remake of THE WILD BUNCH and takes his own stab at the casting.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 4/26/18 – Hostiles
TheMovieGuys.net’s Ray Schillaci delivers up an eclectic mix of films in his top ten list for 2016
Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustively-researched, category-by-category breakdown of the entire Oscars for 2017
Not just a classic Robin Hood-type fable, but an ode to the fading American way of life.
Bank robberies, cops on the trail, open carry – all sounds like the formula for an action film, but Hell or High Water gets more mileage out of dialogue, strong character and anticipation of violence.
I gotta admit that halfway through “Warcraft”, I was pretty damn puzzled as to what the hell was going on.