Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustive, no-stone-left-unturned once over of all the nominees. All of them.
Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustive, no-stone-left-unturned once over of all the nominees. All of them.
Self-congratulation is still the rage in TinselTown. Who are we to not report on it? Agree? Disagree? It doesn’t matter, the awards will go out week after week until the Oscars, February 22nd, 2015.
Showcast Episode 75: Holiday movie season and awards season collide with four new releases – “Dumb and Dumber To”, “Beyond the Lights”, “Foxcatcher” & “Rosewater”. The Movie Guys preview them all with guest Jon Weinberg, along with chat about his film-in-progress “Funeral Day” and a thorough ripping of Q&As at Los Angeles movie screenings, ALL while your hosts try desperately to stay focused…!