PIC of the Week – The Invisible Man & The Hunt
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 6/11/20 – The Invisible Man & The Hunt
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 6/11/20 – The Invisible Man & The Hunt
Mary Gent says goodbye to “The Leftovers”, HBO’s powerful TV series.
I have a twisted fascination with cults. The focus on smaller sects are the ones that are mesmerizing and right now seem to be another cultural touchstone. Another indication of troubled times, lost souls and perhaps a universal cry for change.
Movie Guys Paul Preston, Karen Volpe, Adam Witt & Lee Kias test out the audio juice of The Admiral’s Club, their new Burbank-based podcast studio. There’s lively talk and previews of “The Great Gatsby” and “Peeples” in between planes flying overhead.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to preview the big summer movies. This is no place for art-house films…
Movie Guys Paul Preston, Christanna Rowader, David Beach and Lee Kias give the once-over to June movie releases PROMETHEUS and MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what they’re all about.
This movie is a perfect example of what happens when no one’s career is actually on the line.
Your Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt went to not San Diego (Anaheim) to spend the day at not Comic-Con (Wonder-Con).