The Best 25 films of 1999
On their 25th anniversary, Paul Douglas Moomjean looks back at a big year for movies and which films stood out to him as the best.
On their 25th anniversary, Paul Douglas Moomjean looks back at a big year for movies and which films stood out to him as the best.
The Movie Guys bring you original videos about nothing but movies, movies, movies. View away, go nuts, and don’t hesitate to check out our YouTube […]
Paul Preston calls in to Your Weekly Dose to get to know the new members of the team, kick around Taylor Swift and offer reviews of the PRISCILLA & THE KILLER.
Ray Schillaci reviews THE KILLER for TheMovieGuys.net: “provocative and enticing with its imagery as with most of Fincher’s films”
This new iteration of Batman is a rousing welcome for comic book and graphic novel fans and should be seen on the big screen.
Karen Volpe’s celebrity birthday celebration segment from the September 2nd, 2016 Movie Showcast – David Fincher & Jack Black
Ray Schillaci covers what the entertainment industry has released, and what’s coming up, in these weird COVID times.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 4/11/19 – A Private War
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 12/20/18 is also his PIC of the Year – 2001. Also, Ray gives up his Christmas Blu-Ray wish list.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 9/13/18 – The Tree of Life
Ray Schillaci recommends three zombie movies for Halloween-time: TRAIN TO BUSAN, THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS & IT STAINS THE SAND RED.
Mary Gent compares the rising talents of directors Jeff Nichols (“Loving”) and Denis Villeneuve (“Arrival”) during Oscar week.
By the end, the film goes there.
Ep. 166: Former Showcast guest Ron Babcock returns with Ryan McKee, his comedy partner from Modest Proposal. They both sit in for previews of Morgan, The Light Between Oceans.
Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustive, no-stone-left-unturned once over of all the nominees. All of them.
Showcast Episode 69: Emmy-nominated comic writer and actor Matt Craig joins The Movie Guys for previews of “Gone Girl” and “Annabelle”. Plus, there’s a not-at-all-creepy gift exchange and lively rounds of “What Did you See This Week?”, 5 Questions and Karen’s Birthdays.
Movie Guy Paul Preston breaks down the careers of George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad PItt, the best Hollywood has to offer in leading men.
The history of “third chapters” (known as “threequels,” thanks to those people who love to invent new terms while butchering English) is filed with good examples — and an outstanding series of atrociously bad ones.
Why is it that many times (too many, actually), movie titles are horribly translated in other languages? Of course I don’t have an answer – but…it’s not like a song by Bruce Springsteen gets translated, right?
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2011.
There’s no way you can know everything about every movie. Until you do, here’s a great way to come one step closer. Our Movie Guy Matteo has compiled another exhaustive list of fun facts from the movies, organized numerically for your pleasure.
With his annual job of delivering presents behind him, Santa Claus takes a moment to recommend a movie released this holiday season. This week he suggests the David Fincher thriller “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in long-titled movies this holiday season, covering THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – GHOST PROTOCOL and EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE.
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2010.
Self-congratulation is all the rage in Hollywood! Follow all the nominees here as they’re announced!
NEW: The Oscars
Reviews and articles from The Movie Guys by Paul Preston, Steven Lewis, Joel Frost, Mary Gent, Adam Witt, Marc Berman and Mark Tucci