Movie Nonsense – Show #53 – 9/12/22 – D23 Expo Wrap-Up!
A GARGANTUAN amount of film/TV news came out of D23 Expo. Paul was there and gives a report on what he saw and he & Adam both break down all the announcements.
A GARGANTUAN amount of film/TV news came out of D23 Expo. Paul was there and gives a report on what he saw and he & Adam both break down all the announcements.
Who says we not cultured? On Grammy night, our Movie Guy Patrick weighs in on music you should be listening to right now, from genres and artists that are all over the map. Heed his words. Heed, I say.
I know this list will bring great debate from many of you out there. This is to be expected and is encouraged. But for now let’s get right to it.
Every Oscar night we overload the internet with wiseass Tweets. Get them all here!