I doubt any conscious film viewer would deem it wise to take any one biopic as authority on a certain subject. Any individual movie cannot be an authority over a whole, complicated life.
I doubt any conscious film viewer would deem it wise to take any one biopic as authority on a certain subject. Any individual movie cannot be an authority over a whole, complicated life.
Movie Guy Paul Preston appears on the podcast “Hollywood Close-Up” with Wayne Frazier and Natalie Lipka to discuss the summer 2013 movie winners and losers and take a brief look at what else is coming up later in the year. Then Paul sticks around for the show’s signature “Quick and Quirky Game”.
Chris MacKenzie continues his month-long tear through documentaries on NetFlix. This week’s offerings are serious – “Crossing the Line”, “Herb and Dorothy” and “Forgiving Dr. Mengele”
Movie Guy Paul Preston interviews Costume Supercenter about Halloween costumes for TheMovieGuys.net
“The Odd Life of Timothy Green” is about a sterile couple, so…start getting excited.
This film plays out like a quality western without the old west.
Perhaps in years to come, once we’ve gotten a little more distance on it, the entire Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy will be thought of in the public mind less as an entire piece, and more along the lines of “The one with Heath Ledger in it as Joker, and the other two.”
The Movie Guys give the once-over to July movie releases, including SAVAGES, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, KATY PERRY: PART OF ME, ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT, STEP UP: REVOLUTION and THE WATCH. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what they’re all about.
Prepare for old people sex. Meryl moaning, crotch shots of Tommy Lee Jones. Just don’t say I didn’t prepare you.
It’s a horrible tragedy when violence upsets something like a sporting or holiday event. But when violence mars the arts, I find it especially disturbing.
On the whole, I can recommend “Ted”. There are a ton of good laughs and if you’re a “Family Guy” fan, the faithful were out at the screening I went to and it was a huge crowd-pleaser.
After “Cars 2”, it’s good to know that some of Hollywood’s best filmmakers can pick themselves up and dust themselves off so quickly.
This film immediately felt like someone’s wacky remembrance of what they heard the ‘80s were like, instead of a portrait of how they were, told by people who were there.
PIRANHA 3DD, the new comedy/horror/thriller film, gets a thorough once-over from Movie Guy Paul Preston, Lee Kias and special guest Shelly Martinez. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what it’s all about.
It’s an interesting concept to see the original world the Brothers’ Grimm imagined up on the screen, but it’s coupled with dialogue that’s not very special and devoid of any real charisma.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Lee Kias look back at the month that was in May 2012, recapping the Universal Pictures action film “Battleship”
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. This week, the Tim Burton movie “Dark Shadows”. If you like Tim Burton movies, you’ll like it. If you don’t, you won’t.
Tim Burton only makes Tim Burton movies, so whatever the original source material, in the end, it’ll get turned into a Tim Burton movie.
The word “Epic” gets thrown around a little too much today. It’s used to describe parties and tweets, but this movie in the true sense, is epic.
The Movie Guys aren’t just about goofing around, we also provide a service. Evidenced in each month’s “Trailers for the Blind” segment, this month focusing on the Jason Statham action film “Safe”.
THINK LIKE A MAN, the new comedy based on the book by Steve Harvey, gets a thorough once-over from Movie Guy Paul Preston and special guest Chris Gore. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what it’s all about.
MIRROR MIRROR, the new Julia Roberts fantasy film, gets a thorough once over from Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what it’s all about. In and out, nobody gets hurt.
Movie Guys Paul Preston & Karen Volpe talk with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie, Kevin Charles and Mike Barajas about new releases in the theater, including “Wanderlust”, “Friends With Kids”, “Game Change”, “Bully”, “Mirror Mirror” and “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen”.
In this clip from The Movie Guys LIVE!, March 2012, Movie Guys Paul & Karen preview the movie “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax” while trying not to break rhyme.
Inspired by the March 2012 movie “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax”
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to discuss “John Carter” and “Friends With Kids”.
Really, how hard was it to understand this film people? I know the trailers made it look like a mindless action flick, but it’s not. I’m sorry you couldn’t waltz in 10-minutes late with your face full of popcorn and your butter-stained fingers endlessly fumbling over your cell phone, and not be able to figure out what’s going on. It’s called attention. If you pay it, you’ll get it.
Movie Guys Paul Preston, Justin Bowler and David Beach look back at the month of February and all the movies that came out that were overshadowed by The Academy Awards, including THE WOMAN IN BLACK, CHRONICLE, SAFE HOUSE, THE VOW, JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, STAR WARS, EPISODE 1 – THE PHANTOM MENACE 3D, GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE, THIS MEANS WAR and ACT OF VALOR
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about the actors nominated for Oscars for Best Supporting Actor and Actress, including Christopher Plummer, Kenneth Branagh, Octavia Spencer and Berenice Bejo. They also predict the big prize – Best Picture.
This film taught me one very important thing….. Art Howe is evil. Really evil.
Mr. Caine, you lead me astray, you dirty rotten scoundrel!
The most frustrating thing about this film is that inside this confusing movie is a very good movie trying to get out.
With a thumping dub-step soundtrack, planes performing harrowing maneuvers, and requisite nasty enemies (Nazis, in this case), the trailers for “Red Tails” have clearly been geared to pump up visceral excitement in (likely) largely young and male audiences.
I know this list will bring great debate from many of you out there. This is to be expected and is encouraged. But for now let’s get right to it.
Next time you are in your car on the way to the movies, here are 7 songs you should listen to again for the first time.