Let’s Talk Giallo and Indie Horror…Merry Christmas!
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci points out titles beyond Mario Bava and Dario Argento that you should look into next time you want to horror up.
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci points out titles beyond Mario Bava and Dario Argento that you should look into next time you want to horror up.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 2/28/19 – Used Cars
Our Movie Guy Ray looks at entries in this year’s International Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival, which runs concurrently with the Phoenix Film Fest.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 10/26/17 – The Old Dark House
Ray Schillaci presents ten classic Italian horror movies for Halloween week.
Funny how that happens when we first see a film, read a book, listen to music or even appreciate a work of art. The question being, is it worth coming back to?
Wishing you all a Happy Halloween and vicious viewing pleasures from my dark, dank basement where no one can hear you scream.
How many films have we seen with young people trapped in a scary place, being picked off one by one? But Nispel turns the whole scenario on its bloody ear just as Wes Craven did with “Scream”.
“Unfriended” is an interesting horror film in that the characters are so shallow, obnoxious and unlikable that I think it’s a pretty accurate portrayal of entitled, tech-addicted youths and there’s great reward in watching them get offed.
A careful blend of humor and horror is what made the “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Scream” franchises so successful, and “Backmask” has captured that lightning in a bottle.
Showcast Episode 28: It’s a holiday weekend, so The Movie Guys serve up previews of all the new films, including “Frozen”, “Homefront” and “Oldboy”, as well as a look at movie news. Plus, film score composer and songwriter Joe Kraemer talks about writing the music for “Jack Reacher” and joins in a round of “Name That Tune: Film Score Edition”.
Matteo Molinari looks at all those films who thought it might be the next logical step to take their film franchises into outer space. He does this research so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.
Why is it that many times (too many, actually), movie titles are horribly translated in other languages? Of course I don’t have an answer – but…it’s not like a song by Bruce Springsteen gets translated, right?
140 character takes on hundreds of movies!