Oscar Rant 2021
Paul Preston’s annual rant on the categories and his Top Ten films of the Year for 2020
Paul Preston’s annual rant on the categories and his Top Ten films of the Year for 2020
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Actor winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Lo and behold, Fred Rogers is legit!
In Marc Webb’s new film, “Gifted”, we’re supposed to buy into the premise that Captain America’s niece is incredibly advanced and intelligent. Not so hard to do.
Showcast Episode 58: Only one major new release gets previewed (“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”), leaving plenty of time for The Movie Guys to chat up their guest, actor/comedian Ithamar Enriquez. Plus, Halfway Through the Year in Review and a simian behavior expert panel.
Showcast Episode 13: Four more new releases to burn through, including “Lee Daniels’ The Butler”, “Kick-Ass 2”, “Jobs” and “Paranoia” before The Movie Guys launch into “Shark Movie Week”, with special guest Daniel Travis, star of “Open Water”. Also, writer/producer and improv Swami Paul Vaillancourt sits in for Adam the entire show!
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
This film plays out like a quality western without the old west.
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2011.
140 character takes on hundreds of movies!
Every Oscar night we overload the internet with wiseass Tweets. Get them all here!
Overall, my masculine side says this film is a blockbuster that you’ll quickly forget you saw. My feminine side says Robert Pattison is hot.