The Boys are Back in Town?
Richard Donner revealed that he is once again taking the director reins at the age of 91 to deliver the last installment of the beloved franchise LETHAL WEAPON.
Richard Donner revealed that he is once again taking the director reins at the age of 91 to deliver the last installment of the beloved franchise LETHAL WEAPON.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 8/15 & 8/22/19 – Avengers: Endgame
The title says it all.
Bathsheba has a strong head about her that reminds me of Black Widow, who outsmarts her opponents long before she dismantles them with fighting technique.
The title says it all. Part three of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest superhero films per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part two of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest horror movies per year for the last forty or so years.
I’m never one to seek out the work of children in movies. But something’s happened in the last five years or so…there’s a consistency in the air that has me hopeful.
The title says it all. Part one of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest comedy films per year for the last forty or so years.
Movie Guy Paul Preston’s annual, over-thorough once-over of all the categories – who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2013
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe called in to talk to their WBAD.NET comrades and brothers-from-different-mothers, The Hater Nation’s MC Hater and Ali, about the best films of 2013, which included CAPTAIN PHILLIPS, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET, IRON MAN 3, BAD GRANDPA and more, leaving a litle time for a quick once-over of the worst films as well.
Movie Guys Paul Preston, Karen Volpe, Adam Witt & Lee Kias test out the audio juice of The Admiral’s Club, their new Burbank-based podcast studio. There’s lively talk and previews of “The Great Gatsby” and “Peeples” in between planes flying overhead.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe appear on The Hater Nation Radio Show on The National Talk Radio Network to talk about the summer 2013 films. There’s a Robert Downey, Jr. love fest, a “Who’s the Hottest Avenger?” game and a surprise REVIEW of “Pacific Rim”.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to preview the big summer movies. This is no place for art-house films…
A single question can sum it up: What is the price tag on being a hero?
The history of “third chapters” (known as “threequels,” thanks to those people who love to invent new terms while butchering English) is filed with good examples — and an outstanding series of atrociously bad ones.
Every Oscar night we overload the internet with wiseass Tweets. Get them all here!