The Top Ten Films of 2023
Movie Guy Paul Preston lists his Top Ten Films of 2023, and goes into great detail about #1…
Movie Guy Paul Preston lists his Top Ten Films of 2023, and goes into great detail about #1…
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 7/2/21 – 30 Coins
EVIL DEAD fan Steven Lewis looks at how ASH VS EVIL DEAD could’ve gone on forever, but stalled after three seasons.
“The Ninth Configuration” suffered the fate of being too high-minded for its time. But for those deep thinkers who were open to its philosophical and metaphysical musings and its search for a higher being, the pay off was a remarkable experience.
The title says it all.
Movie Guys Paul Preston, Lee Kias, Karen Volpe and Adam Witt give you the lowdown and their thoughts on what’s happening movie-wise in January. “Wake Me For The Oscars” covers the major releases of January 6th & 13th, 2012, including THE DEVIL INSIDE, CONTRABAND and JOYFUL NOISE.