Movie Review – Hostiles
From beginning to end, Scott Cooper delivers the story with a confident, adult tone and a creative team that backs him up nicely.
From beginning to end, Scott Cooper delivers the story with a confident, adult tone and a creative team that backs him up nicely.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 11/23/17 – Driftwood
In an alternate reality, Jack Nicholson never replaced Bruce Dern as stoned convict/lawyer George Hanson in “Easy Rider” and Dern went on to have the superstar career.
There’s no way you can know everything about every movie. Until you do, here’s a great way to come one step closer. Our Movie Guy Matteo has compiled another exhaustive list of fun facts from the movies, organized numerically for your pleasure.
Joel and Ethan Coen have directed better films than this version of “True Grit”, but not many directors have directed films even this good.