Five Criminally Under-Seen Movies for the Quarantine – Part 2
Go deeper than the limited catalog of movies on a streaming service and see some great stuff you haven’t yet!
Go deeper than the limited catalog of movies on a streaming service and see some great stuff you haven’t yet!
It seems like the laughs will come in bundles with the three leads playing fast and loose at the top of the film, but the warmth shared between the leads that could excuse all the crude behavior of a stoner comedy wears away leaving a less than pleasing mixture behind.
Somehow, Zemeckis has taken a story known to many (especially how it ends) and has made it fresh, exhilarating, and full of surprises.
Showcast Episode 120: Actor Jeff Meacham of “Black-ish” joins The Movie Guys fresh off the season two premiere the ABC sitcom. The movie talk flies about new releases “The Walk”, “Sicario” and “The Martian”, as well as a film that also featured Meacham, “Love & Mercy”. Plus, a look at how Hollywood has ruined overseas tourism.
Showcast Episode 38: Comic book talk runs amok as special guest Heath Corson (“Justice League: War”) comes to The Admiral’s Club for good movie chat and previews of “Pompeii” and “3 Days to Kill”. Also, a look at Paul Thomas Anderson’s “Pompeii”, the Vesuvian weather forecast, and Karen comes back to the show just in time for a whole segment on “Ghostbusters”.
Showcast Episode 19: TV and film actor Joe Nunez joins The Movie Guys in studio for the whole show with previews of “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” and “Don Jon”. Plus, regular food weather updates on the fives and a call into The Adult Movie Hotline.
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
Perhaps in years to come, once we’ve gotten a little more distance on it, the entire Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy will be thought of in the public mind less as an entire piece, and more along the lines of “The one with Heath Ledger in it as Joker, and the other two.”
Your Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt went to not San Diego (Anaheim) to spend the day at not Comic-Con (Wonder-Con).
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2011.
Click on the link above to keep track of the movie awards season 2011/2012. All the nominees and winners as they are announced – NEW: Winners of The 84th Academy Awards and Indie Spirit Awards!
“Inception” calls into question the very physics that we take for granted