Five Criminally Under-Seen Movies for the Quarantine
Good news, nearly every movie ever made is available if you’re willing to rent or buy it!
Good news, nearly every movie ever made is available if you’re willing to rent or buy it!
Know their names – Mark Strong, Rebecca Ferguson, Sharlto Copley, Stephen Root and Michael Shannon.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 6/27/19 – The Silent Partner
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Actor winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Supporting Actor winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Plummer dominates not only his scenes, but he casts a powerful presence over the entire story.
In the wake of Charles Manson’s death, Movie Guy Ray Schillaci and filmmaker Marcus Nispel look at the cult of Manson and the cult of fame.
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movie – “Baby Driver”.
Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustively-researched, category-by-category breakdown of the entire Oscars for 2017
Ep. 162: Two new films get the business as The Movie Guys preview Suicide Squad and Nine Lives with special guest stand-up comic Jason Webb. Also, a Comic-Con roundtable.
Liza Johnson’s new film “Elvis & Nixon” explores this powerhouse meeting, within its every right to speculate as much as it cares to.
Snyder’s latest comic book folly is like an Electrolux Vacuum, it practically sucks all the joy of watching a super hero movie.
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2011.