Movie Review – Oppenheimer
Christopher Nolan has finally been able to merge his sense of visual technique and high minded science.
Christopher Nolan has finally been able to merge his sense of visual technique and high minded science.
The latest Settle the Score with host Matt Knost and musical director Andy Merryweather features returning guests Lon Harris and Movie Guy Paul Preston.
Our Movie Guy Ray Schillaci longs for the past when it comes to the Oscars. This year’s nominees aren’t doing it for him.
Ray Schillaci’s PICS of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 12/31/21 – Heaven Can Wait & Reds
Ray Schillaci lays out the films of the great Roger Corman for anyone who doesn’t know them, as the legendary filmmaker turns 94.
The great part about this film and its wonderful tunes is the warmth and heart it has for all its characters.
Movie Guy Paul Preston charts out the best way to see classic movies in Los Angeles.
Really, how hard was it to understand this film people? I know the trailers made it look like a mindless action flick, but it’s not. I’m sorry you couldn’t waltz in 10-minutes late with your face full of popcorn and your butter-stained fingers endlessly fumbling over your cell phone, and not be able to figure out what’s going on. It’s called attention. If you pay it, you’ll get it.
I have been endlessly fooled by movie trailers to frequent films that ultimately were nowhere near as good as the trailers suggested. Has this ever happened to you?