Frantic – The Ford Fiesta
Paul & Adam are all over Harrison Ford’s 1988 thriller FRANTIC, discussing it to death with friend & special guest Lon Harris. We are American and we are crazy!
Paul & Adam are all over Harrison Ford’s 1988 thriller FRANTIC, discussing it to death with friend & special guest Lon Harris. We are American and we are crazy!
The latest Settle the Score with host Matt Knost and musical director Andy Merryweather features returning guests Lon Harris and Movie Guy Paul Preston.
This week, the great Lon Harris joins the show for more talk than expected about Harrison Ford’s first movie of 1988 – Frantic.
Adam invites Lon Harris to stop by and debate THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER & LONG-time friend Fred Mowery joins to talk BATMAN FOREVER. Plus, remembering James Caan.
Guest Lon Harris jumps on the show to discuss bad internet trends, including entitled Marvel fans who forget to realize how good they have it!
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt join a huge roster of Movie Trivia Schmoedown stars on Live in the Dark – A Christmas Carol edition.