The Ford Fiesta LIVE! – Harrison Ford Grab Bag!
Paul & Adam continue neglecting their overall responsibility of completing finished episodes of The Ford Fiesta to cover Paul’s trip to San Fran & Indy Mad Libs!
Paul & Adam continue neglecting their overall responsibility of completing finished episodes of The Ford Fiesta to cover Paul’s trip to San Fran & Indy Mad Libs!
A GARGANTUAN amount of film/TV news came out of D23 Expo. Paul was there and gives a report on what he saw and he & Adam both break down all the announcements.
It’s not without its flaws, but that’s no reason to damn the movie as a whole.
The pull away from the ‘70s filmmaking that made 1977’s STAR WARS great continues with a disappointing THE LAST JEDI.
It risks early and often, you’re either on board soon or in for a long movie.
When Tom Cruise was attached to this movie, I thought he might lift the whole unnecessary project, but just the opposite happened, the whole unnecessary project dragged him down.
As the lights came back on in the theater, I along with my group could not help but feel only partially satisfied.