The New Movie Show – “Pirates of the Caribbean” & “Baywatch”
The New Movie Show gives you everything you need to know about all the new movies opening Friday, May 26th, 2017 – “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” & “Baywatch”.
The New Movie Show gives you everything you need to know about all the new movies opening Friday, May 26th, 2017 – “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” & “Baywatch”.
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movies – “Trials on Tatooine” & “Eagle Flight”
The Movie Guys send MC from the mighty Hater Nation podcast to a screening of “Concussion”, and he records his thoughts going to and coming from the movie. A die-hard football fan, MC takes on the challenge of seeing a film that would challenge his love of the game and his dislike of Will Smith. Will he be so converted? Will he praise his nemesis Will Smith? Will he explain why William Shatner is on his sports Wall of Fame? Tune in…
A spoiler-filled review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, hosted by MC of The Hater Nation, featuring Paul Preston of The Movie Guys and Kevin Bednarz, owner of Comic Logic in Ashburn, VA. It’s smart Star Wars talk and surprisingly civil!
In what’s becoming an excellent tradition, The Movie Guys’ Paul Preston appears on The Hater Nation Show to talk movies during the holidays. In Paul’s talk with host MC, they cover briefly what’s coming in 2016…but mostly talk “Star Wars”…
Showcast Episode 50: Two great guests stop by The Admiral’s Club – MC from The Hater Nation podcast talks movies with us the whole show, and vocal coach to the stars, Chet Loudly, stops by to discuss his work with Godzilla over the years. This week: previews of “Godzilla” and “Million Dollar Arm” and a look at bad black movies.