Movie Review – Halloween Ends
HALLOWEEN ENDS is so true to its title. The viewer just keeps asking, when the hell will this end?
HALLOWEEN ENDS is so true to its title. The viewer just keeps asking, when the hell will this end?
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 10/15/21 – The Executioner
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 1/17/19 – Halloween (2018)
They might not always be the center of attention, but whenever they show up in a horror show they are nothing to laugh at.
Kent’s film, as with so many films of this genre, does have noticeable influences, but in no way shape or form does it ever become a pale imitation.
The history of “third chapters” (known as “threequels,” thanks to those people who love to invent new terms while butchering English) is filed with good examples — and an outstanding series of atrociously bad ones.