Movie Review – Jolt
Not worth plunking down big bucks at a theater, but worth checking out in your living room on Amazon.
Not worth plunking down big bucks at a theater, but worth checking out in your living room on Amazon.
A virtual kaleidoscope, heavy on sights and sounds, but light on story and characters which tends to be the norm for many graphic novel adaptations.
The Movie Guys welcome actor/stand-up comic Jason Stuart, who sits in to help preview new releases “Gold”, “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter” and “A Dog’s Purpose”.
I will preface this entire article by saying that these movies are not great movies.
Your Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt went to not San Diego (Anaheim) to spend the day at not Comic-Con (Wonder-Con).
DVD audio commentaries: Sometimes I wonder: Who does take the time out of their busy life to listen to people rambling on and on and on about something they don’t even seem to be interested in, to begin with? Well, me!
“The Big Month” covers the major releases of October 7 – 21, 2011, including REAL STEEL, THE IDES OF MARCH, FOOTLOOSE, THE THING, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 and THE THREE MUSKETEERS.
I suspect it ranked well below what it should have because people knew too much about it before they saw it