I’m never one to seek out the work of children in movies. But something’s happened in the last five years or so…there’s a consistency in the air that has me hopeful.
I’m never one to seek out the work of children in movies. But something’s happened in the last five years or so…there’s a consistency in the air that has me hopeful.
What an appropriate picture of Tom Cruise. Walking the Earth by himself. The lone member of a dying race: The Movie Star.
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
Self-congratulation is still the rage in TinselTown. Let’s jump in, shall we? Here are all the awards that will go out week after week until the Oscars, February 24th, 2013.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters, including the new DisneyNature film “Chimpanzee”, the latest Sacha Baron Cohen comedy “The Dictator” and the new quirky-fest from Wes Anderson, “Moonrise Kingdom”
In this clip from The Movie Guys LIVE!, May 2012, Karen expresses her love for Bill Murray, which eventually, as most love expressions do, leads to a song.
Inspired by the May 2012 release “Moonrise Kingdom”