Settle the Score #163 with Christina V and Adam Witt
There’s a new Settle the Score featuring Movie Guy Adam Witt entering the ring to take on Christina V. Adam has so much fun, will he forget to compete? Tune in.
There’s a new Settle the Score featuring Movie Guy Adam Witt entering the ring to take on Christina V. Adam has so much fun, will he forget to compete? Tune in.
Movie Guy Adam Witt joins The Scene and Heard Trivia, featuring movie trivia that includes video and audio clips from Movies. Three rounds… only one winner.
Perfect for opening weekend of THE DIAL OF DESTINY, an Indiana Jones trivia match (with Harrison Ford expert Paul Preston asking special questions to the group).
This week, the plot of THE MOSQUITO COAST gets the usual goofing on. Plus, 1923 debuted and Paul and Adam both go off-topic to review AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER.
Among other things, THE MOSQUITO COAST is…complicated. Paul & Adam needed someone smart to help talk about it, so they enlisted their friend Adam Collins.
After nine great seasons, the epic finale is here! But who gives a damn about the matches, The Movie Guys made another great video!
Robert Parker and John Kaiser go head-to-head in seven rounds of trivia. Miss a question – take a drink. The players are “managed” by Adam Witt and Paul Preston
Paul & Adam talk new stuff – Thor: Love and Thunder – then it’s memory lane as they talk Disneyland, Indiana Jones and their time in The Movie Trivia Schmoedown.
Adam spent STAR WARS Celebration looking for new Movie Trivia Schmoedown Competitor to represent The Fan Favorites in Patreon matches. Who will join us?
Elvis, The Black Phone, Jurassic World: Dominion, The New Beverly Cinema July calendar…can any of this be as interesting as a visit from John Kaiser? Tune in…
Breakdown of the latest Fan Favorites match continues on Spin From the Reel, as Adam & Paul join the show to talk about it and whatever the destiny wheel decides.
The Schmoedown Rundown crew breaks down The Movement vs The System, including a special interview with T.H.E. – THE Paul Preston.
The FIRST thing on the show is an announcement by Movie Guy Adam Witt on who will represent The Fan Favorites in The Movie Trivia Schmoedown STAR WARS division.
Senior Year, Firestarter, Bill Murray, Star Wars Celebration, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, The Movie Trivia Schmoedown – all were discussed.
The two runners-up of Free4All 2022, Paul Preston & Ben Bateman, sit and talk about the fifth annual marathon movie trivia event and the Schmoedown in general.
It’s the greatest rematch in the history of the world! Before Witt & Sullivan face-off in the STAR WARS trivia again, watch their pre-match press conference!
On this episode, contestants answer twenty questions on BATMAN RETURNS. Who will win? Movie Guy Adam Witt or maybe Brennan Marr, Robert Adams or Andres Gallego?
Schmoedown Rundown welcomes Adam Witt to discuss what’s been going on with his faction now that Season 9 of The Movie Trivia Schmoedown is underway.
Witness an informercial we made to bring awareness to Chris Adams-ness, “Are You Chris Adams?”. Chris is a good friend of The Movie Guys and The Schmoedown.
Adam and Paul joined the 24-hr. streaming show to share a Chris Adams PSA and give Chris a shot to redeem himself in a trivia match against his brother Robert.
The best STAR WARS Trivia Competitors in the world (including Movie Guy Adam Witt!) battle it out to see who knows the most about THE STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL.
Mara Knopic, videodrew, John Hoey and Mollie Damon join Adam to talk about the year they all had in The Movie Trivia Schmoedown – from draft to Spectacular.
Paul & Adam recap a busy, damn-near exhausting weekend of activities from Schmoedown Spectacular weekend, also TERMINATOR talk & FINALLY our review of FREE GUY!
This pre-Spectacular edition of Speaking of Schmoedown brings you Match recaps, and Adam Witt and Paul Preston giving you “Witt’s Picks” for Spectacular VI.
Guy Knoll and Alex Helmer are joined by Paul Preston to talk about a ton including the new SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME trailer and GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE.
Robert Parker joins the show to study for the Schmoedown Spectacular by answering movie trivia questions from Paul and Adam. As you can imagine…it gets weird.
Paul Preston joins SPEAKING OF SCHMOEDOWN to ask why they’d recorded anything the day GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE opened? We should all be in the theater!
On this episode of VideoChronic Presents, competitors including Movie Guy Adam Witt prove their knowledge about both the 1978 and 2018 versions of HALLOWEEN.
This week’s guest on Speaking of Schmoedown is Adam Witt, but there’s plenty of talk about Paul Preston, and what they might both be up to in Season Nine.
Adam Witt drops by to discuss all the news that broke from FCL28. Who is the FCL? What’s going on? Adam will help inaugurate you into this movie trivia league.
This week, Mount Schmoedown talks about one of the most entertaining players in the league. The one and only Adam Witt.
Inspired by Inside the Actors Studio, this show gets to know your favorite Schmoedown personalities, and this episode focuses on Movie Guy Adam Witt!
This episode of the Mount Schmoedown podcast covers the highlight moments of THE DEN, home to Movie Guy Paul Preston.
The What the Show podcast is joined by Adam Witt and Paul Preston to do a recap of the biggest buzz word of the week in the world of movie trivia: Collision!
Tonight on The Gold Standard, Amber and Adelia are talking with Schmoedown competitor, FCL editor (and Movie Guy) Adam Witt!
This offshoot show of the A Certain Point of View Network features the hosts whipping up drinks and pop culture conversation with The Movie Guys’ Adam Witt!
On this episode of VideoChronic, contestants answer 20 questions on GHOSTBUSTERS II and one of those contestants is The Movie Guys’ Adam Witt!
The Movie Guys bring their unique brand of humor and extensive knowledge of movies to The Outlaw Nation Show…and also squeeze in time to plug their podcast.
David Del Rio’s second directorial effort, ROAD HEAD, is streaming now on Prime Video! He jumped online with his Schmoedown teammate Paul Preston to chat it up.
Karen Volpe’s celebrity birthday celebration segment from the May 24th, 2013 Movie Showcast – Cher, John C. Reilly, Ian McKellen, Helena Bonham Carter