Movie Review – CODA
Here is a picture that puts you through a rollercoaster of emotions. You’ll find yourself laughing, crying and feeling great by the time it ends.
Here is a picture that puts you through a rollercoaster of emotions. You’ll find yourself laughing, crying and feeling great by the time it ends.
In most cases of a remake, you’re being subjected to the cynical trappings of a money-grab. And despite the sad corpses of failed remakes that litter the ground in Hollywood, if ONE hits big, then it’s open season to greenlight more…
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe appear on The BTS Radio Show to talk about The Movie Showcast, what’s new in theaters and how The Movie Guys came about with host Brian T. Shirley.
Showcast Episode 28: It’s a holiday weekend, so The Movie Guys serve up previews of all the new films, including “Frozen”, “Homefront” and “Oldboy”, as well as a look at movie news. Plus, film score composer and songwriter Joe Kraemer talks about writing the music for “Jack Reacher” and joins in a round of “Name That Tune: Film Score Edition”.