What an appropriate picture of Tom Cruise. Walking the Earth by himself. The lone member of a dying race: The Movie Star.
What an appropriate picture of Tom Cruise. Walking the Earth by himself. The lone member of a dying race: The Movie Star.
I loved getting lost in Roger’s bottomless, passionate love of the movies.
The Movie Guys LIVE! Radio Show welcomes the world’s only Radio Magician, The Amazing Mono. Listen to his amazing feats of illusion and slights of what we’re told by host Paul Preston, are his hand.
“This is 40” is a return to the same kind of foul-mouthed-with-a-heart-of-gold comedies that make up the best of the Apatow catalog.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe appear on The Hater Nation Radio Show on The National Talk Radio Network to talk about the biggest names nominated for Oscars at The 85th Academy Awards.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to preview The 85th Oscars, covering six of the major categories with picks and predictions, and the jokes fly.
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to update host Laura Nickerson on what’s out in the movie theaters for the month of November, including “Flight”, “Wreck-It Ralph”, “Skyfall”, “Lincoln” and more.
Movie Guy Paul Preston interviews Costume Supercenter about Halloween costumes for TheMovieGuys.net
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to update host Laura Nickerson on what’s coming up in theaters for the month of October, 2012, including “Taken 2”, “Frankenweenie” and more.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. This was Paul’s appearance the day after the shootings in Colorado that marred “The Dark Knight Rises”‘ midnight screenings. Paul discusses the fallout and gives a quick review with Bonnie & Mike.
I’m the first to get cynical when it comes to 3D re-issues, reboots, remakes and all that. But Pixar movies are timeless, and I think should be back in theaters every five years or so, 3D or not.
Is this the best movie ever made? Well, the great thing about movies is that arguing what the best one of all time is can keep you arguing until you pass out. But this is certainly my favorite, hands down.
“The Odd Life of Timothy Green” is about a sterile couple, so…start getting excited.
This film plays out like a quality western without the old west.
The Movie Guys give the once-over to July movie releases, including SAVAGES, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, KATY PERRY: PART OF ME, ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT, STEP UP: REVOLUTION and THE WATCH. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what they’re all about.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Christanna Rowader stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to lay down a ton of material on “The Bourne Legacy” and “Hope Springs”. It’s a review, it’s jokes, it’s both.
Prepare for old people sex. Meryl moaning, crotch shots of Tommy Lee Jones. Just don’t say I didn’t prepare you.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe appeared for on LATalkRadio.com’s “Oh, Mary!” and stayed for the duration! They talked new movies, their history and what The Movie Guys are all about.
It’s a horrible tragedy when violence upsets something like a sporting or holiday event. But when violence mars the arts, I find it especially disturbing.
Christopher Nolan doesn’t make bad movies. Ever. Even this one looks great. Two bits of awesomeness stitched together.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. Continuing coverage of summer movies, Paul reviews “Ted” and “The Amazing Spider-Man”.
In this clip from The Movie Guys LIVE!, June 2012, David and Paul discuss whether Princess Merida of “Brave” is Irish or the other thing (Scottish), and they get the whole cast involved.
Inspired by the June 2012 release “Brave”
On the whole, I can recommend “Ted”. There are a ton of good laughs and if you’re a “Family Guy” fan, the faithful were out at the screening I went to and it was a huge crowd-pleaser.
After “Cars 2”, it’s good to know that some of Hollywood’s best filmmakers can pick themselves up and dust themselves off so quickly.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. This week Paul reviews the new Disney/Pixar film “Brave”.
This film immediately felt like someone’s wacky remembrance of what they heard the ‘80s were like, instead of a portrait of how they were, told by people who were there.
Movie Guys Paul Preston, Christanna Rowader, David Beach and Lee Kias give the once-over to June movie releases PROMETHEUS and MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what they’re all about.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. This week they cover the new movie musical starring Tom Cruise and Alec Baldwin, “Rock of Ages”.
Writer, Blayne Weaver, has created an endearing script, that is charmingly portrayed by actor Blayne Weaver, and solidly executed by director Blayne Weaver.
“6 Month Rule” writer/director Blayne Weaver answers a series of dumbass questions from Paul Preston of The Movie Guys.
SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN, the new fantasy film starring Kristen Stewart, gets a thorough once-over from Movie Guys Paul Preston and Christanna Rowader. Quick, sharp and funny, we’ll tell you what it’s all about.