Movie Review – Blue Velvet
BLUE VELVET seems almost benign in our over stimulated, shock value society, but let me tell you it still holds its own where depravity is concerned.
BLUE VELVET seems almost benign in our over stimulated, shock value society, but let me tell you it still holds its own where depravity is concerned.
In this clip from The Movie Guys LIVE!, October 2011, The Movie Guys try to explain the current recession through a “Schoolhouse Rock” song.
Inspired by the October 2011 movie “Margin Call”
“Previewing Like Crazy” covers the major releases of October 28, 2011, including JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN, ANONYMOUS, IN TIME and LIKE CRAZY.
“The Big Month” covers the major releases of October 7 – 21, 2011, including REAL STEEL, THE IDES OF MARCH, FOOTLOOSE, THE THING, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 and THE THREE MUSKETEERS.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks about what makes a horror movie great on KTRH, Dallas, TX
Every Oscar night we overload the internet with wiseass Tweets. Get them all here!
Nicolas Winding Refn’s “Drive” feels like a throwback to the 1980s. But don’t expect Romy and Michelle to pop up, rather a mood and tone is created here that longs for “Manhunter”’s Will Graham to make an appearance, as Refn piles on gobs of visual style that would make Michael Mann proud.
Couldn’t make the latest Movie Guys show in Hollywood, CA? Check out exclusive clips here.
NEW: “Straw Dogs” Preview, Nepotism, Jeff Fangsworthy, Harry Potter Ending Spoiler, C’Mon, C’mon Flashlights and more!
The Movie Guys on three short films that caught our eye – “The Butterfly Circus”, “The Embalmer” and “Touch”
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s Broad Topics again, reviewing Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Fright Night.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in to LA TALK RADIO again for another episode of Broad Topics, reviewing Captain America: The First Avenger, Horrible Bosses and Larry Crowne.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Steven Lewis stopped in to LA TALK RADIO again for another episode of Broad Topics. This discussion covered Cars 2 and Bad Teacher.
Movie Guys Paul Preston & Adam Witt stopped in to LA TALK RADIO again for another episode of Broad Topics. This discussion covered X-Men: First Class and more!
Paul Preston & Lee Kias stopped in to LA TALK RADIO for another episode of Broad Topics. This discussion covers Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
“Born to Be Wild 3D”, narrated by Morgan Freeman, manages to toe the fine line between high-tech and old school.
The first appearance of The Movie Guys on Broad Topics, in what will be routine visits. In this segment, Paul Preston talks about Thor and Fast Five.
The terrifying adults in this film often acted as if they hid the town secret of the local werewolf, but no such wolf ever shows.
The banter between characters is great and the situations they’re put into are pure, envelope-pushing comedy gold as only the Farrellys can deliver.
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2010.
Movie Guy Paul Preston checks back in with London’s Biggest Conversation from a very busy red carpet of the Oscars on LBC, 97.3, London
Movie Guy Paul Preston gives his Oscar predictions for 2011 on KRLD, Dallas, TX
Take a close look at how real the love story of “Blue Valentine” is and you’ll see why people need to watch soap operas.
“How to Train Your Dragon” is based on a book, which might be another reason for the film being the first I’ve seen from DreamWorks Animation that really has heart
Movie Guy Paul Preston goes over what holiday movies are best for adults in his latest appearance on KRLD, Dallas, TX
Reviews and articles from The Movie Guys by Paul Preston, Steven Lewis, Joel Frost, Mary Gent, Adam Witt, Marc Berman and Mark Tucci
Paul Preston talks great horror movies on KRLD, Dallas, TX
A really terrible sequel to “Cats & Dogs”
Paul Preston reviews “Despicable Me” for TheMovieGuys.net and rants about the state of movie animation along the way.
SO much machismo is being blustered around the screen in “The Expendables”, the real expendable here is the audience.
Let’s just call it “EAT PRAY LIKE”.
Both nerd central and ground zero for the coolest stuff pop culture churns out every year.
When I look at who’s next to replace Cruise and Gibson, I’m reminded that I don’t want to do that yet.
Hoffman holds it all together – possibly his best performance ever.
If you see “Jonah Hex”, I dare you to remember it.
Wow, M. Night Shyamalan just sucks.
I go back and forth in my mind whether this or RAIDERS is the best of the series.
Don’t expect any comic masterpiece.
No surprise, Damon’s very good in this part.