Movie Nonsense – Show #52 – 9/5/22 – Our John Williams Weekend
A HUGE slate of news anchors a show that also sees Adam & Paul’s annual tradition: John Williams at The Hollywood Bowl, JAWS re-released, Disney+ Day and more!
A HUGE slate of news anchors a show that also sees Adam & Paul’s annual tradition: John Williams at The Hollywood Bowl, JAWS re-released, Disney+ Day and more!
The Harrison Ford 1980s may be unmatched by any other actor, and it all begins with THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. Chance Ellison joins us to talk about it!
Paul Preston calls in to the Your Weekly Dose podcast to recap his trip to THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK – IN CONCERT. Plus, reviews of EMILY THE CRIMINAL & ELVIS.
This week, outdoors and movies collide because…Los Angeles – Black Movie Soundtrack, ENCANTO, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and more!
Marty McFly, Indiana Jones, James Bond, Ellen Ripley… 4 great characters but you can only keep one of them on One Gotta Stay with special guest Paul Preston
This week, Adam joins the show on his lunch break to talk Black Movie Soundtrack show at The Hollywood Bowl, The Empire Strikes Back, Wolfgang Petersen and more.
Ryan Gosling as Six proves to be every bit of an action star as Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson.
Among the anticipated shorts at the 2022 Hollyshorts Film Fest is THE ERRAND, directed by Amanda Renee Knox. Paul talks to Knox and her actors about the film.
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci acted as virtual host for the Santa Clarita Film Fest in Dec. 2021. Here, he talks with one of the leading actors from the film DEVIKA.
The inaugural guests for Small Talk with Paige Frabetti are Paul Preston and Adam Witt, The Movie Guys. Find out what we’re all about as Paige does!
After all the times Paul’s missed a show, Adam is owed one, and sits out as Kate Mulligan joins to co-host. They talk Beast, Day Shift, Anne Heche & more.
CRIMES OF THE FUTURE and MEN – can new horror co-exist with artistic self-indulgence? Our Movie Guy Ray Schillaci explores…
Karen Volpe’s celebrity birthday celebration segment from the August 9, 2013 Movie Showcast – Robin Quivers, Dustin Hoffman & Lucille Ball
The latest episode of Settle the Score with your hosts Matt Knost & Andy Merryweather features returning guests Marisol McKee and Movie Guy Paul Preston!
So much movie news and experiences this week, we’re all over the place! Thank the gods we have Robert Buscemi joining us for the full show to goof on it all.
The characters are as engaging as the story itself and dare I say that Peele’s strange tale is mind boggling.
Paul Preston calls in to Your Weekly Dose to talk about all the big news that came out of San Diego Comic-Con…but mostly Marvel. Also, a review of NOPE!
Kevin Porter joins the show to discuss his new series SALVAGE MARINES, plus we get Paul’s report from the THEY/THEM premiere & the L.A. Shorts Film Fest.
Paul Preston hits the red carpet at The Ace Hotel in L.A. for OUTFEST’s closing night gala and the world premiere of the Peacock Original Film They/Them.
Comic-Con bore tremendous fruit – Marvel Studios news, Marvel Studios Animation news, and, if time remaining, DC. Plus, indie filmmaking talk with Brian Crewe!
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci recounts the long road to decent versions of THE CITY OF THE DEAD on Blu-Ray and DVD while reviewing this little-known horror film.
No agenda this week – just talk! But there’s much to discuss: Thor: Love and Thunder, Nope, Top Gun: Maverick, Marvel casting, RIP Monty Norman and more!
Adam invites Lon Harris to stop by and debate THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER & LONG-time friend Fred Mowery joins to talk BATMAN FOREVER. Plus, remembering James Caan.
There’s nothing Waititi and co-screenwriter Jennifer Kaytin Robinson set up that they don’t punch.
Warner Brothers and Baz Luhrmann put a polish on an iconic legend with a major star turn by Austin Butler.
James Caan was the epitome of the New York tough guy.
Adam Witt returns to the show to face off for the first time against fellow Movie Trivia Schmoedown cohort Peggy Gubbins. Guess the film score or song – WIN.
Paul Preston discusses the movies playing at the Fredonia Opera House Cinema Series for July, 2022 including DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA & THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN.
Paul & Adam talk new stuff – Thor: Love and Thunder – then it’s memory lane as they talk Disneyland, Indiana Jones and their time in The Movie Trivia Schmoedown.
A revolving door of movie minds debate obscure film topics at a lightning pace, with donations to the show going to Care Rescue LA. Featuring The Movie Guys!
Movie Guy Paul Preston calls in to the Your Weekly Dose podcast to weigh in on the juggernaut that is TOP GUN: MAVERICK & THE BLACK PHONE. Plus, RIP Ray Liotta.
Adam recounts his huge weekend with John Williams and Paul talks about his Norcal trip to Coppola Winery & a tour of filming locations from American Graffiti.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 6/24/22 – The Northman
Karen Volpe’s celebrity birthday celebration segment from the July 2nd, 2016 Movie Showcast – Margot Robbie & Dan Aykroyd
On this episode of Tier Ranker Fights, Movie Guys Adam Witt joins a rogue’s gallery of ne’er-do-wells to talk about the best Action Movies of the ’70s.
Adam spent STAR WARS Celebration looking for new Movie Trivia Schmoedown Competitor to represent The Fan Favorites in Patreon matches. Who will join us?
Elvis, The Black Phone, Jurassic World: Dominion, The New Beverly Cinema July calendar…can any of this be as interesting as a visit from John Kaiser? Tune in…
Harrison Ford’s epic, two-podcast-season-spanning 1979 ends with APOCALYPSE NOW. Paul & Adam recruited John Kaiser to talk about it. Then, the drinking started.
Paul & Adam make You’ve NEVER Seen It?!? host Allison Salamone a better person by demanding she see BLADE RUNNER: THE FINAL CUT, then talking about it at length.
A flight of the fantastic, a perfect escape with a soaring box office draw that cannot be replicated at your home theater.