VideoChronic Presents: BATMAN RETURNS Pop Culture Quiz (w/Adam Witt)
On this episode, contestants answer twenty questions on BATMAN RETURNS. Who will win? Movie Guy Adam Witt or maybe Brennan Marr, Robert Adams or Andres Gallego?
On this episode, contestants answer twenty questions on BATMAN RETURNS. Who will win? Movie Guy Adam Witt or maybe Brennan Marr, Robert Adams or Andres Gallego?
Adam Witt joins Ken Napzok with a fun look at the world of popular culture, nostalgia, and how the smallest things can mean everything to our shared stories.
I won’t regurgitate the same old manure you could get EVERYWHERE else. Instead, I will inform you of my own personal journey. It is so much sweeter (and it has funnier (and hotter, I might add) pictures).
This highly entertaining animated film is exactly what Shakespeare geeks who also happen to love animation have been waiting for.
Both nerd central and ground zero for the coolest stuff pop culture churns out every year.