Five Criminally Under-Seen Movies for the Quarantine – Part 2
Go deeper than the limited catalog of movies on a streaming service and see some great stuff you haven’t yet!
Go deeper than the limited catalog of movies on a streaming service and see some great stuff you haven’t yet!
Movie Guy Paul Preston calls into the Your Weekly Dose podcast to recommend MORE criminally under-seen movies that are out there.
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Actress winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Once again, another great year for the Phoenix Film Festival, all the independent filmmakers involved, and the gracious audience.
Showcast Episode 99: Stand-up comic, writer and Karl Welzein alter-ego Mike Burns joins The Movie Guys for a far-too-thorough look at new release “Hot Pursuit” and a completely mental episode of “Indie Round-Up” covering “Maggie”, “Ex Machina”, “The D-Train”, “Welcome to Me” and “Slow West”. Plus breaking news from a DC Comics representative about their plan to continue announcing press releases every time Marvel makes $90 hundred million or so at the box office.
According to many attending the festival, filmmakers and moviegoers alike, this was one of the best years yet.
Paul Preston’s annual, exhaustive, no-stone-left-unturned once over of all the nominees. All of them.
Movie Guy Paul Preston checks in with The Hater Nation during the holidays for movie talk including the SONY hack, Mick Foley, plus the top three films of 2014 (so far) and some movies to look forward to in early 2015.
Showcast Episode 78: Movie Talk meets Actor Talk as “Hollywood Close-Up” co-hosts Natalie Lipka and Wayne Frazier join The Movie Guys for industry chat. Plus, previews of “Wild”, which you’ve probably heard of, “The Pyramid”, which you probably haven’t, and a focus group is brought in to see if they’ve EVER heard of the new Nicolas Cage film “Dying of the Light”.
What an appropriate picture of Tom Cruise. Walking the Earth by himself. The lone member of a dying race: The Movie Star.
Movie Guys Paul Preston and Karen Volpe stopped in on LA TALK RADIO’s “Broad Topics” to update host Laura Nickerson on what’s coming up in theaters for the month of October, 2012, including “Taken 2”, “Frankenweenie” and more.
Overall, my masculine side says this film is a blockbuster that you’ll quickly forget you saw. My feminine side says Robert Pattison is hot.
Movie reviews and articles by Paul Preston and Mary Gent