Paul Preston & Justin Bowler recall their exploits from Comic-Con in San Diego, a magical land where, for everything you plan, there are ten things that are equally awesome that you are missing out on.
Paul Preston & Justin Bowler recall their exploits from Comic-Con in San Diego, a magical land where, for everything you plan, there are ten things that are equally awesome that you are missing out on.
Showcast Episode 61: This show is jam-packed, and can only be described with bullet points:
• Paul returns from Comic-Con, bringing interviews with Robert Picardo (“Star Trek: Voyager”), Mira Furlan (“Lost”) and “Space Command” writer/director Mark Zicree in tow.
• Impressionist and comedian John DiDomenico sits in the whole show.
• Previews of “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Get On Up”
• The triumphant return of Karen’s Birthday’s as Karen is back from two months out of town, delivering rapid-fire reviews of what she saw while she was gone.