Movie Nonsense – Show #23! – What Did You See This Week? – 2/7/22
This week includes To & From segments about JACKASS FOREVER & MOONFALL (included a cameo by Coy Jandreau!). Also – DON’T LOOK UP, PEACEMAKER and SANTA JAWS!
This week includes To & From segments about JACKASS FOREVER & MOONFALL (included a cameo by Coy Jandreau!). Also – DON’T LOOK UP, PEACEMAKER and SANTA JAWS!
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 4/9/20 – 1917 and Knives Out
A bold push forward on a classic story, told with overwhelming style.
Stellar science fiction with a wholly realized futuristic universe and much to say.
“Sicario” is easily Villeneuve’s best film, and one of the best of the year.
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
Every Oscar night we overload the internet with wiseass Tweets. Get them all here!
Paul Preston’s annual once-over of the nominees. Who will win, who should win, and the Top 10 Films of 2010.
Joel and Ethan Coen have directed better films than this version of “True Grit”, but not many directors have directed films even this good.