Best Picture Rankings 1993-2017
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Picture winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Picture winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Actress winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
Paul Douglas Moomjean breaks down the Best Supporting Actress winners of the last twenty-five years for TheMovieGuys.net on the lead-up to Oscars week.
A flat-out glorious, larger-than-life MUSICAL (capitals required) and proud of it.
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movie – “Sarah’s Key”
“Awards contender, huh? WELL, this better be good!”. That’s unfortunate pressure.
Movie reviews and articles by Paul Preston, Mary Markham and Steven Lewis.