Smash-A-Thon – The Movie Guys Highlights
The Movie Trivia Schmoedown community came together to support Kevin Smets’ fight against cancer. We were happy to be there, but we didn’t just want to show up, we wanted to BRING IT.
The Movie Trivia Schmoedown community came together to support Kevin Smets’ fight against cancer. We were happy to be there, but we didn’t just want to show up, we wanted to BRING IT.
Cinefanatics Chris and Robert Adams are joined by Movie Guy Adam Witt for their segment of the livestream fundraiser, Smash-A-Thon.
“The Show About Whatever” invites Movie Guys Paul Preston and Adam Witt to talk about The Movie Trivia Schmoedown, STAR WARS, the Smash-a-Thon and…whatever.
The 27-hour charity event to support Kevin Smets led to a fan-favorite trivia match: JOHN ROCHA vs. MARK ELLIS! Who sat in as their management? The Movie Guys!