Let’s Talk Giallo and Indie Horror…Merry Christmas!
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci points out titles beyond Mario Bava and Dario Argento that you should look into next time you want to horror up.
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci points out titles beyond Mario Bava and Dario Argento that you should look into next time you want to horror up.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 11/27/20 – Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula
PARASITE is a black comedy of the highest order.
With so many good films this year, it made it very hard to see everything.
Ray Schillaci recommends three zombie movies for Halloween-time: TRAIN TO BUSAN, THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS & IT STAINS THE SAND RED.
There’s nothing out in cinemas right now quite like “Colossal”. A metaphor, an allegory, a monster movie, a social comment comedy, it’s unique to say the least.