Five Criminally Under-Seen Movies for the Quarantine – Part 2
Go deeper than the limited catalog of movies on a streaming service and see some great stuff you haven’t yet!
Go deeper than the limited catalog of movies on a streaming service and see some great stuff you haven’t yet!
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 2/1/18 – Last Flag Flying
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movies – “We’re the Millers” & “The 40-Year-Old Virgin”.
The title says it all.
The title says it all. Part three of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest superhero films per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part two of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest horror movies per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part one of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest comedy films per year for the last forty or so years.
Movie reviews and articles by Paul Preston and Mary Gent