The Top Ten Films of 2022
Movie Guy Paul Preston ranks his Top Ten films of 2022. And an eleventh for good measure.
Movie Guy Paul Preston ranks his Top Ten films of 2022. And an eleventh for good measure.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! OSCAR TIME. Paul & Adam make Oscar picks, cough up their Top 10 of 2021 lists and still find time to review THE BATMAN.
This new iteration of Batman is a rousing welcome for comic book and graphic novel fans and should be seen on the big screen.
It’s a clearance sale on Movie Nonsense as all the old reviews MUST leave our warehouse! THE KING’S MAN! BELFAST! BEING THE RICARDOS! JULIA! Everything must go!
It’s time to break down the March New Beverly calendar, and who better to talk about than this week’s guest and New Beverly blogger, Marc Edward Heuck.
Adam runs the show by himself, underprepared to talk about the Oscars. But he IS prepared to talk superhero movies, breaking down the big game ads & more!
A new calendar from The New Beverly Cinema means a new segment devoted to it! Plus, more movie reviews than usual, trailers, and a once-over of the box office.
The Movie Guys’ Schmoedown friend Eric Zipper joins the nonsense this week as they all sort out trailers from DC Fandome.
Movie Guy Paul Preston calls in to the Your Weekly Dose podcast to celebrate the return of movies to the movie theater!