B-Movie Bonanza!
With the availability of so much entertainment vying for our attention, there is one genre that can easily be missed…B-movies.
With the availability of so much entertainment vying for our attention, there is one genre that can easily be missed…B-movies.
The film feels as cold as INTERSTELLAR with not one character to genuinely care about.
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movie – “Dunkirk”.
The current leadership of DC is going to be the downfall of the modern superhero boom.
The title really says it all.
The title says it all.
The setting along with the vehicles are gloriously post-apocalyptic and the soundtrack rouses us like never before. But where is Max in all of this?
Bathsheba has a strong head about her that reminds me of Black Widow, who outsmarts her opponents long before she dismantles them with fighting technique.
The title says it all. Part three of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest superhero films per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part two of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest horror movies per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part one of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest comedy films per year for the last forty or so years.
The history of “third chapters” (known as “threequels,” thanks to those people who love to invent new terms while butchering English) is filed with good examples — and an outstanding series of atrociously bad ones.
Paul Preston’s annual, super-thorough, no-category-left-uncovered, massive undertaking of an Oscar rant is available for you to read, print out and argue about.
Self-congratulation is still the rage in TinselTown. Let’s jump in, shall we? Here are all the awards that will go out week after week until the Oscars, February 24th, 2013.
Movie Guy Paul Preston talks with afternoon anchors Bonnie Petrie and Mike Barajas about what’s new in theaters. This was Paul’s appearance the day after the shootings in Colorado that marred “The Dark Knight Rises”‘ midnight screenings. Paul discusses the fallout and gives a quick review with Bonnie & Mike.
The Cultural Impact of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Films and How Heath Ledger Tricked You Into Believing “The Dark Knight” Was the Trilogy’s “The Empire Strikes Back”.
This film plays out like a quality western without the old west.
Perhaps in years to come, once we’ve gotten a little more distance on it, the entire Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy will be thought of in the public mind less as an entire piece, and more along the lines of “The one with Heath Ledger in it as Joker, and the other two.”
It’s a horrible tragedy when violence upsets something like a sporting or holiday event. But when violence mars the arts, I find it especially disturbing.
Christopher Nolan doesn’t make bad movies. Ever. Even this one looks great. Two bits of awesomeness stitched together.
Excited about upcoming movies? You will be. Or, you’ll be frustrated by how much trailers give away. Either way, they’re all here for your enjoyment.
Included: “The Adventures of Tintin”, “Albert Nobbs”, “The Amazing Spider-Man”, “Battleship”, “Big Miracle”, “Brave”, “Carnage”, “The Darkest Hour”, “The Dark Knight Rises”, “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”, “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance”, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, “Green With Envy”, “Haywire”, “The Iron Lady”, “John Carter”, “Mirror, Mirror”, “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol”, “New Year’s Eve”, “The Pirates! Band of Misfits”, “Red Tails”, “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows”, “The Sitter”, “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”, “Twixt”, “Underworld: Awakening”, “War Horse”, “We Bought a Zoo” and “The Woman in Black”