Let’s Talk Giallo and Indie Horror…Merry Christmas!
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci points out titles beyond Mario Bava and Dario Argento that you should look into next time you want to horror up.
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci points out titles beyond Mario Bava and Dario Argento that you should look into next time you want to horror up.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 5/7/20 – Tigers Are Not Afraid
The filmmakers lay out a new kind of creepy CREEPSHOW that manages to rival some of the best horror anthologies, but with a PG-13.
The title says it all.
The title says it all. Part three of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest superhero films per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part two of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest horror movies per year for the last forty or so years.
The title says it all. Part one of The Movie Guys “Best of All Time” series looks at the greatest comedy films per year for the last forty or so years.