Countdown to Nine: Ep. Eleven – The Last Jedi, The Last Episode (w/Adam Witt & David Beach)
Countdown to Nine wraps up its look at the movies of the Star Wars franchise with this once-over of The Last Jedi, joined by Adam Witt and Luke Skywalker!
Countdown to Nine wraps up its look at the movies of the Star Wars franchise with this once-over of The Last Jedi, joined by Adam Witt and Luke Skywalker!
“In what order should I watch the STAR WARS movies?” The Movie Guys have created this thorough guide to give you an answer.
The backstory of the rascally space smuggler who lost the woman he loved, was killed by his son and nobody cared finally comes to the big screen.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 3/29/18 – Women in Love