Need A Good Scare? What’s Streaming this Halloween
Our Movie Guy Ray Schillaci runs down what’s streaming in the world of horror this Halloween
Our Movie Guy Ray Schillaci runs down what’s streaming in the world of horror this Halloween
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 6/11/20 – The Invisible Man & The Hunt
Mary Gent says goodbye to “The Leftovers”, HBO’s powerful TV series.
I have a twisted fascination with cults. The focus on smaller sects are the ones that are mesmerizing and right now seem to be another cultural touchstone. Another indication of troubled times, lost souls and perhaps a universal cry for change.
A long time ago we used to tell ourselves the kind of stories these two shows are portraying. The mythologies, legends and stories of gods and witches, ghosts and creatures otherworldly, that magic and glamour of the supernatural.