The Best 25 films of 1999
On their 25th anniversary, Paul Douglas Moomjean looks back at a big year for movies and which films stood out to him as the best.
On their 25th anniversary, Paul Douglas Moomjean looks back at a big year for movies and which films stood out to him as the best.
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci recounts the long road to decent versions of THE CITY OF THE DEAD on Blu-Ray and DVD while reviewing this little-known horror film.
A flight of the fantastic, a perfect escape with a soaring box office draw that cannot be replicated at your home theater.
Ray Schillaci give some deep-cut horror movie recommendations from Hammer Films for Halloween, including BLOOD FROM THE MUMMY’S TOMB.
Paul Preston of The Movie Guys interviews Arnold Vosloo about his return to the horror genre with the new film THE HARROWING.
This is a Tom Cruise movie, a sure sign that you’re not going to witness an unambitious production.
Movie Guy Ray Schillaci goes over his list of easy and tough calls for the ten worst films of 2017.
A flat-out glorious, larger-than-life MUSICAL (capitals required) and proud of it.
Ray Schillaci’s PIC of the week at TheMovieGuys.net for 10/26/17 – The Old Dark House
From the writing to the directing it is not just a misstep, it’s a giant leap backwards that makes movies like LEPRECHAUN look good.
One of the more sober and dark summer films to hit the cinema in a long while. But it’s effective.
When Tom Cruise was attached to this movie, I thought he might lift the whole unnecessary project, but just the opposite happened, the whole unnecessary project dragged him down.
Paul Preston’s ongoing effort to watch a movie a day for the rest of his life. Today’s movies – “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” & “The Black Hole”.
Ray Schillaci presents ten classic Italian horror movies for Halloween week.
In most cases of a remake, you’re being subjected to the cynical trappings of a money-grab. And despite the sad corpses of failed remakes that litter the ground in Hollywood, if ONE hits big, then it’s open season to greenlight more…
Showcast Episode 129: Everything about why movies are great is in this episode. Actor Dan Bakkedahl (“Trumbo”, “The Heat”) joins us the whole show for a preview of “Krampus” and a lengthy look at movie news. Plus, a trailer for another Christmas horror movie about your parents’ parents visiting over the holidays – “Grandpus”! And Bakkedahl’s Banksy and “Harold and Maude” stories are for the ages.
“Ghostbusters” deserved (and deserves) either an incredible sequel – or a non-existent one.